


SET- Skype English Tutor
Martina & Martin


SET- 口說/寫作課程經驗分享 by Christine

學測英文15級分、TOEIC 910
國高中時打下還算扎實的文法基礎,但因為對英文沒有特別的熱情,所以上大學後,非必要就很少再主動接觸英文。準備雅思1個半月,參加SET 7堂口說課程、8 essays寫作批改課程,成績 L:8.0  R:7.5  W:6.5  S:6.5  O:7.0。 

    首先,方便的Skype上課方式,可節省不少通勤時間,不需梳洗換裝出門,只要打開電腦連上網路,不論在哪裡都可以上課。口說課程部分,因Martin要求每次上課口頭摘要2篇文章,讓我不僅有機會大量吸收和雅思相關題材的文章,增加寫作和口說的ideas,也能在無形中提升閱讀速度並習慣以英文思考表達。Martin上課內容十分扎實卻不枯燥,每堂課都會完整的練習過Part 1、Part 2及Part 3,並適時的和我討論熱門時事或有趣的議題。最重要的是,Martin非常了解IELTS的評分制度,因此可以給我正確的練習方向,例如在每堂課後,給Martin修改的Part 2口說講稿,讓我了解如何運用自己既有的字彙、文法,做出高分的口語表達。
    寫作批改部分,Martina會非常仔細的檢視每篇文章的Task Response、文章結構、邏輯性等重要評分標準,不同於補習班只是一味強調Big Words和複雜句型,Martina幫助我找到了寫作盲點,引導我清楚表達論點,並做詳細的解釋,強化文章的Coherence and Cohesion。每篇assignment,Martina都會依照我原本的觀點做改寫,讓我了解如何用高分的方式來組織文章、表達自己的想法。透過反覆review她改寫的文章,我可以記下自己常犯的錯誤,學習Native Speaker的寫作方式,這對後來在考試的時間壓力下,我無瑕polish自己的用字、句型,卻還能拿到6.5分,應該起了很大的作用。


SET- 全方位寫作文法課程以及寫作批改5,6,7月份已經額滿

SET Email: skypeng101@gmail.com

SET- Skype English Tutor

SET- IELTS Speaking Part 2: 'teenager' topic by Martin

Describe a positive experience that you had as a teenager. You should say
- what the positive experience was
- where you were
- who you were with
- and explain why you found the experience positive

Let me talk about my high school graduation trip, which was one of the most memorable and positive experiences I had when I was a teenager.
I used to live in Argentina, and just like most senior high school classes around the country, traveling to the town of Bariloche in the Andes mountain was the most popular and economical choice. We were all quite excited about that trip; it was the trip that marked the end of our high school years and also the start of a new stage in our lives.
We were around 30 students in that 1-week trip and we chose to travel by plane rather than bus, otherwise we would have wasted 2 days just to get to the place. We had so many activities in that week. We not only visited the most popular scenic spots of the area but also went skiing twice and went dancing at different night clubs every night.
This was definitely a positive experience for all of us. We had spent 5 years in the same classroom and rarely had the chance to hang out and truly get to know with each other. Thanks to this trip, we were able to renew and confirm our friendships and that's why we all still keep in touch even though it has already passed 15 years since our graduation.


SET- IELTS Speaking Part 1: ‘hometown’ topic by Martin

1. Where are you from?
I’m from Kaohsiung, which is a metropolitan city located in the southern part of Taiwan.

2. Do you like your home town? (Why?)
Yes, I think the nicest thing about Kaohsiung is its people. Everyone is so friendly to each other and you can really enjoy the atmosphere of a warm city.

3. Would you prefer to live somewhere else? (Why?)
Probably not for the moment. I have my family and best friends over there and I wish to contribute to my hometown after I obtain my master’s degree in the UK.

4. Do you think your home town is a good place for young people? (Why?)
Yes, I guess so. Kaohsiung has lots of nice schools with modern facilities. Young people can also enjoy the different cultural attractions, such as museums, theaters, as well as public libraries.




SET Email: skypeng101@gmail.com


SET- Skype English Tutor



SET 4月份的寫作批改和口說課程已全部額滿

SET email: skypeng101@gmail.com

SET-Skye English Tutor


SET- IELTS Speaking Part 3: 'hospitality' topic by Martin

IELTS Speaking Part 3: 'hospitality' topic

1. In your country, how do people treat visitors from abroad?
I think Taiwanese people treat foreign visitors very well. We understand the hassle of traveling long distances so we tend to do our best to help visitors have a relaxing time. If it’s someone close to us, we will offer our home as the place to stay and show him or her around the city or town where we live. For example, last time when I visited my in-laws in Taiwan, they allowed me to stay at their home and spent plenty of time with me to take me to some nearby tourist spots as well as eat traditional Taiwanese foods.

2. Do you think hospitality towards visitors is less important than it was in the past?
No, I don’t think so. I think hospitality has always been part of human nature, especially when it comes to close friends or people who we really care. When there are relatives or friends visiting me from out of town, I’ve always been willing to take care of them. Since I also enjoy travelling, I would treat their visits as the perfect excuse to take time off and have a bit of vacation myself!

3. What are the benefits of staying with a friend when visiting a foreign country?
Well, I think there are plenty of benefits. Staying at a friend’s place is probably the most cost effective when it comes to traveling abroad, not to mention that he or she can show you around and take you to those secrets places where tour buses never go. Also, since it’s a friend of yours, you can ask for the activities you want to do and have a more personalized trip. For example, last time when my childhood friends from Argentina came to visit me, my wife and I made time for them and took them to shop at the outlets, do some wine tasting, and visit some of the most iconic places in San Francisco.

4. What are the advantages of staying in a hotel instead?

Staying at a hotel gives you more privacy and you can enjoy the different facilities that it offers, such as the swimming pool, hot spa, gym, or its breakfast services. When staying at a hotel, you won’t feel afraid of disturbing your friend and you can do whatever you wish in your room. In other words, you have your own private space and perhaps can rest better than staying in your friend's home.


Improve your English through daily reading 學好英文就從每日閱讀開始

Here is an interesting article on the negative effects of using a cellphone excessively:

This article contains many different expressions and vocabulary that can be used to describe numbers and percentages, for Writing Task1, as well as some supporting ideas for Task2 essays on the topics of "parenting", "technology", and others. The ideas described in this article could also come useful in the IELTS Speaking test.

Remember that daily reading is very important to expand your general knowledge and improve your English skills at the same time.

Don't just focus on "IELTS articles/questions/books". The Internet nowadays is very rich in English resources and you should take full advantage of them!  


SET- Speaking part 2- 'school subject' topic by Martin

IELTS Speaking Part 2: 'school subject' topic

Describe a subject that you think should be removed from school education programmes.
You should say
- what the subject is
- why you think it is unnecessary for children to study it
- and explain what you would replace it with.

Today I'm going to talk about Physical Education, which I think is the subject that should be taken out of the school curriculum.

P.E. classes encourage the kids to do physical activities as well as different kinds of sports, which is great and healthy, but I don't think it is necessary to be part of the school program because I believe that every kid can easily do that after school with family or friends. Besides, when I was in elementary school, Physical Education was the class that I always looked forward to because it didn't involve any kind of reading, memorization, or difficult problem-solving tasks, and that meant that my mind was not concentrated and focused enough on core subjects such as mathematics, literature, and the social and natural sciences.

Instead of having Physical Education, I think I would replace it with more hours of foreign language education. It is true that most schools nowadays offer a second language course, but I think the time spent on it is simply not enough. If we look at today's senior high school students, many of them still struggle with the foreign language they have learned for several years, and that's a clear indication of the insufficient class activities or materials offered to them. Take myself again as an example. During my elementary and high school years, my parents had to spend extra money to hire a private English tutor for me, and by the time I graduated from high school, my English level was way ahead of my classmates and I was confident enough to start thinking about attending an American college.

All in all, Physical Education is actually an unnecessary subject and I think schools should devote more time to help students improve their second language skills.