
SET口說講稿分享by Martin- Part 3 "history topic"

<h3>IELTS Speaking Part 3: history topic sample answer by


1. What do you think we can learn by
studying events of the past?


I think we can learn a lot by looking at historic
events. There were definitely both positive and negative things from the past,
and I think we can use them to build a better world and benefit our current and
future society. For example, the catastrophic event at Chernobyl is believed to
be due to human error, and from that experience, the world's nuclear technology
and safety at the power plants have greatly improved in a way that we can now
have cheap, efficient, and safe source of energy. Also, thanks to all the great
inventions such as the telephone, the car, the computer, and so on, researchers,
engineers, and scientists have all been using those basic concepts to build even
better machines so that we can now enjoy a much simpler and more convenient


2. What important events do you think
might take place in the future?


The future is really a mystery to many of us and it
is quite difficult to predict what events will happen. But, one thing for sure
is that technology will keep advancing. I think there's going to be a time when
fossil fuels will no longer be needed and they will be replaced with renewable,
efficient, clean energy. On the other hand, human beings will also face more
natural disasters. For instance, seismologists here in the West coast of the
U.S. are predicting "The Big One" to hit the cities of Los Angeles and San
Francisco any time soon, and I believe this will have a huge impact on thousands
of residents' lives as well as the local economy.

SET貼心提醒: 免費提供Martin所寫的口說講稿用意為讓學生了解回答的基本架構以及如何組織內容. 希望學生還是要多多努力用自己的想法來組織講稿. 千萬不要死背而去考試!

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