
SET- IELTS Speaking Part 1: 'shopping' topic by Martin

IELTS Speaking Part 1: 'shopping' topic

1) Who does most of the shopping in your household?
That would be my wife. Since I have to work most of the time, she is the one in charge of doing grocery shopping as well as buying products that we may need on a regular basis.

2) What kind of shopping do you like doing?
Because I enjoy outdoor activities, I like shopping for sport and outdoor clothing and footwear. But when it comes to technology, I also like shopping for the latest gadgets and would spend plenty of time doing research on them.

3) Is shopping a popular activity in your country?
Yes, I think shopping is a very popular activity in Taiwan, especially during weekends because that's when families take the opportunity to go out and have fun at the same time.

4) What types of shops do teenagers like best in your country?
Well, I think Taiwanese teenagers are really into fashion and the latest in technology. When walking around the city, you can see teenagers wearing very fashionable clothing and using the latest models of smartphones. 

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